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The Art of Permanence – Crafting, Artifacts, and Manses

Creation is littered with chakrams that can decapitate gods, warstriders that can take on armies and by far the coolest items of all manses, the magic houses of the world. Monica and Chazz talk crafting, artifacts, manses, hearthstones and project systems. 

Reference books:

FoJ episodes with hot hot crafting action:


  • Monica – Developer for Exalted and longtime fan. Chazz – Writer for Exalted and also longtime fan. Terry – In no way related to Exalted, isn’t not a fan.

The opening theme is Return of the Solar Exalted, and the closing theme is The Sidereal Exalted – Lesser but Safe from Fanfare for the Chosen by James Semple and is used with permission.

Swirling Tide of Dreams – The Dreaming Sea

From the towers of Volivat to the Dragon-blooded god-kings of Prasad, the Dreaming Sea holds plot ideas like the giant guys that hold up Palanquin. Monica and Chazz talk dream pirates and primordial beta releases in Creation’s rough draft. 

Book you need: The Realm – 3rd Edition reference for this stuff. Exalted 3rd Edition Core Book – Book describing rules and the new locations for Exalted 3e Lunars: Fangs at the Gate – Includes information on the Lunars dominions in the East and their key operatives.

Next episode: Crafting!


Monica – Developer for Exalted and longtime fan. 

Chazz – Writer for Exalted and also longtime fan. 

Terry – In no way related to Exalted, not yet a fan.

The opening theme is Return of the Solar Exalted, and the closing theme is The Sidereal Exalted – Lesser but Safe from Fanfare for the Chosen by James Semple and is used with permission.

Hidden Secrets Whisper – Sorcery

Exalts channel their personal Essence to awe-inspiring levels to change Creation, but what of those who command the Essence of Creation itself as sorcerers? Monica and Chazz talk sorcerous workings, demon summoning, and the aptly named Death Ray.

Reference books:


  • Monica – Developer for Exalted and longtime fan.
  • Chazz – Writer for Exalted and also longtime fan.
  • Terry – In no way related to Exalted, isn’t not a fan.

The opening theme is Return of the Solar Exalted, and the closing theme is The Sidereal Exalted – Lesser but Safe from Fanfare for the Chosen by James Semple and is used with permission.

Ascendant Battle Visage – Exalted Combat

Some games’ combat are an HP-fueled stabfest as blows are traded until someone crumbles like a maimed ham. Exalted combat combines the elegance of a lightsaber duel with the fun of a tax return! Chazz and Monica explain and then Terry and Monica give it a try.

Reference books:


  • Monica – Developer for Exalted and longtime fan.
  • Chazz – Writer for Exalted and also longtime fan.
  • Terry – In no way related to Exalted, isn’t not a fan.

The opening theme is Return of the Solar Exalted, and the closing theme is The Sidereal Exalted – Lesser but Safe from Fanfare for the Chosen by James Semple and is used with permission.

A Thousand Rivers Flow to the Sea – The Scavenger Lands

The Scavenger Lands hold the economic power of Nexus, the military power of Lookshy, and much much more. Monica and Chazz talk Forest Witches, the Hundred Kingdoms, the Tomb of Candle-Eyed Skulls, and hot hot economic action.

Reference books:

Exalted 3rd Edition Core Book – Book describing rules and the new locations for Exalted 3e 

Compass of Terrestrial Directions Vol 1 – The Scavenger Lands – 2e reference on the region 

Scavenger Sons – 1e reference for the region


Monica – Developer for Exalted and longtime fan. 

Chazz – Writer for Exalted and also longtime fan. 

Terry – In no way related to Exalted, isn’t not a fan.

The opening theme is Return of the Solar Exalted, and the closing theme is The Sidereal Exalted – Lesser but Safe from Fanfare for the Chosen by James Semple and is used with permission.

Unbound Social Mastery – Social Systems

Want a system for how to use dance to get someone to elope? How about a speech to start a religion or a song that gets bakers to riot? Exalted has you covered! Chazz and Monica explain social systems then we use them to save Prismatic Falls, for now.

Reference books:


  • Monica – Developer for Exalted and longtime fan.
  • Chazz – Writer for Exalted and also longtime fan.
  • Terry – In no way related to Exalted, isn’t not a fan.

The opening theme is Return of the Solar Exalted, and the closing theme is The Sidereal Exalted – Lesser but Safe from Fanfare for the Chosen by James Semple and is used with permission.

Sorrow and Empire – The Northeast

The Northeast hosts massive tree-cities, warring empires, the domain of the Bull of the North, and failing wonders of the First Age.  Monica and Chazz talk some hits and misses in the area as well as what they’ve done with the region.

Reference books:


  • Monica – Developer for Exalted and longtime fan.
  • Chazz – Writer for Exalted and also longtime fan.
  • Terry – In no way related to Exalted, not yet a fan.

The opening theme is Return of the Solar Exalted, and the closing theme is The Sidereal Exalted – Lesser but Safe from Fanfare for the Chosen by James Semple and is used with permission.

Myriad Laws of Creation – Basic Exalted Mechanics

Kicks that split mountains, hand signals that seduce spirits, words that incite riots. How does it work? Monica and Chazz explain the basic systems of Exalted and then use them as we investigate why the Dragon-Blooded are so interested a corner of the Tarpan Wastes. 

Next episode: The Northeast!

Reference books:


  • Monica – Developer for Exalted and longtime fan.
  • Chazz – Writer for Exalted and also longtime fan.
  • Terry – In no way related to Exalted, not yet a fan.

The opening theme is Return of the Solar Exalted, and the closing theme is The Sidereal Exalted – Lesser but Safe from Fanfare for the Chosen by James Semple and is used with permission.

Domain of Mela’s Breath – The North

Airships! Crossbows! Dungeon treasure! Representative democracy! There are many reasons to run a game in the North and Monica and Chazz run through the where, what, and who of doing so as well as how to befriend the mousexalted or a glacier with tusks. Curious? Listen!Books about the North!


  • Monica – Developer for Exalted and longtime fan.
  • Chazz – Writer for Exalted and also longtime fan.
  • Terry – In no way related to Exalted, not yet a fan.

The opening theme is Return of the Solar Exalted, and the closing theme is The Sidereal Exalted – Lesser but Safe from Fanfare for the Chosen by James Semple and is used with permission.

Character Creation Solars and Lunars

We’ve talked about Exalt’s history, we’ve talked about some parts of Creation, we’ve talked about how awesome the Exalts are, now let’s make some characters! Monica makes a Lunar and Terry makes a Solar while Chazz guides them through the character creation process.

Next episode: Compass of Podcasting Directions – The NorthPlay aides:


  • Monica – Developer for Exalted and longtime fan.
  • Chazz – Writer for Exalted and also longtime fan.
  • Terry – In no way related to Exalted, not yet a fan.

The opening theme is Return of the Solar Exalted, and the closing theme is The Sidereal Exalted – Lesser but Safe from Fanfare for the Chosen by James Semple and is used with permission.