Seat of the Scarlet Empire – The Blessed Isle
And thus begins the tour of Creation! The Blessed Isle is the heart of the Scarlet Empire and has the highest density of the Dragon-Blooded, First Age artifacts, and meddling Sidereals and houses almost every cultural type and ecosystem you can think of at some scale. Monica and Chazz talk social strata, the Dynasty and wizard school Exalt games!
Book you need: The Realm – 3rd Edition reference for this stuff.
Next episode: Character creation
- Monica – Developer for Exalted and longtime fan.
- Chazz – Writer for Exalted and also longtime fan.
- Terry – In no way related to Exalted, not yet a fan.
The opening theme is Return of the Solar Exalted, and the closing theme is The Sidereal Exalted – Lesser but Safe from Fanfare for the Chosen by James Semple and is used with permission.